Book Reviews
Kieran Allen: 32 Counties – The failure of partition and the case for a united Ireland (2021, Pluto Press) reviewed by Dave O’FarrellEoin Ó Broin: Home – why public housing is the answer (Merrion Press, 2019) Rory Hearne: Housing Shock – the Irish housing crisis and how to solve it (Policy Press, 2020) reviewed by Stewart Smyth
Jonathan Neale: Fight the Fire: Green New Deals and Global Climate Jobs (2021, Published by the Ecologist.) Reviewed by Owen McCormack
Judy Cox: Rebellious Daughters of History (Bookmarks, London. 2021) reviewed by Emma Hendrick
Larissa Reisner:The Hammer and the Anvil.Dispatches from the Frontline of the Russian Civil War 1918-1919.Translation Jack Robertson. (Redwords, London. 2021) reviewed by Mary Ryder
Joseph Andras:Tomorrow They Won’t Dare to Murder Us (Verso, 2021) reviewed by Willie Cumming
Peter Weiss: The Aesthetics of Resistance, Volume I& II, trans. Joel Scott (Duke University Press, London, 2020) reviewed by Chris Beausang
Peadar O’Donnell: Salud! An Irishman in Spain, (Friends of the International Brigades in Ireland, 2020) reviewed by Paul O’Brien
Book Reviews